The Winnipeg Free Press reports that The Winnipeg Free Press reports that

Surgery For Bogosian


The Winnipeg Free Press reports that Zach Bogosian had successful wrist surgery Friday and is expected to make a full recovery. The Jets’ defenseman is likely to miss four-to-six months after suffering from chronic wrist pain for the past couple of seasons. The wrist injury goes back to when the Jets were still in Atlanta. Bogosian’s discomfort became painful enough during offseason training to require surgery, which was performed by Dr. Peter MacDonald at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. MacDonald has also operated on other players in the NHL, NBA and MLB.

General Manager Kevin Cheveldayoff had the following to say about the operation, “We are pleased the procedure on Zach’s right wrist was successful this morning. This wrist has been an issue which has troubled him for the past couple of seasons dating back to his time in Atlanta and forced him to miss games with the Jets last season. After resuming his on-ice training earlier this month, the wrist problem flared up again to the point surgery was deemed the best option by both Dr. MacDonald and Dr. Graham. While we are disappointed Zach will be out for an extended period of time, we look forward to getting him to Winnipeg to begin his rehab with our training staff and getting him back on the ice as soon as possible.”

Bogosian, the third overall pick in the 2008 Entry Draft, had 30 points in 65 games last season. If Bogosian heals in due course we can expect to see him back on the ice for early January – if there’s a season to play at all.