The Winnipeg Jets are an up-and-coming franchise. They reached the Western Conference Final last season, and there’s no reason to believe they won’t be just as good. But let’s help them branch out a bit.
The Winnipeg Jets aren’t the most well-known team in the major sports in America. But, we could try and get them there. Look, people know MLB more than they know the NHL.
Even most people that are familiar with the NHL seem to know more about the Chicago Blackhawks, New York Rangers and Pittsburgh Penguins.
But no longer! We’re going to take the stars of our beloved Winnipeg Jets and find good comparisons for them around the various sports leagues and the like.
Look, it’s not easy to find plain comps for NHL players in baseball players, but I’m going to do my best here. I worked in baseball for a while, shouldn’t be too hard.
The NBA and NFL? Might be a bit more of a challenge, but I’m up to it. We go past that? Into soccer or MMA or golf? I may have to delegate that one out just a tiny bit. But let’s start small, and with things that your boy knows well.