Each Winnipeg Jets player now has a “Goal Song”. We analyze their choices and suggest some alternatives that might be better suited to the player.
Professional hockey players are a stoic bunch, seldom prone to any real emotion or temperament (publicly anyway). I could put a Flat Stanley of Kyle Connor in my living room, and it would replicate at least 85% of the real Kyle Connor experience. That is why it was a breath of fresh air when the Winnipeg Jets decided to let each player pick their very own “Goal Song”. A Jet scores a goal; their song gets played.
Firstly, let me congratulate True North Entertainment for realizing the Jets game day experience had grown a bit stale. I love that they are taking swings at personalizing the players. Secondly, I asked my employer for my own play-in song at the office, but that request was summarily denied. It really does pay to be a professional athlete.
The player’s choices were varied and titillating. However, I’m not certain that their selections were optimal. Because nobody asked, I have taken the liberty of reassigning goal songs for a few players, with an analysis of their choices for good measure: